I started making this recipe last summer, after realizing that avocado, banana and chocolate was a great combo, and that they together make the most amazing, creamy, luscious chocolate mousse. I then proceeded to making a cake out of it, with a chewy and sweet oat-nut crust and raspberries on top. This wonderful cake has […]
Luscious Chocolate Mousse with Dates and Avocado
Earlier this week, I was craving something chocolatey (never happened before). I rummaged the kitchen drawers and cabinets searching for something to satisfy my needs. Unfortunately, I didn’t really find anything that excited me, though I did find a ripe avocado. So.. avocado + creativeness + being really desperate for a chocolate dessert = avocado […]
Long time no see? Well, I’m back and have decided to share with you a recipe for the perhaps most stereotypical vegan food of all; hummus. You might have been waiting for the hummus recipe, you might have found it refreshing that it has not been shared yet. Anyways, if you’re anywhere near as excited […]
Nice Cream
Green Pea Salad
Pea salad! Wuhu! Excited? Probably not, but this recipe is about to change your idea of peas. Just kidding, not really. My personal relationship with peas is complicated. When I was younger I loved peas and would spend ages eating them one by one. Yeah, that is indeed a little odd.. Anyways, for many years […]
Oven Roasted Potatoes
Last weekend, I bought several packs of potatoes from the expiring section of the grocery store. It’s nice to avoid wasting food and I love potatoes – I am Norwegian after all. Unfortunately blog-wise, I’ve had exams and Magic Flute rehearsals every single day this week, hence, no potatoes until now. Also, it’s finally started […]
Banana Oat Lapper (Small Pancakes)
We arrived back home from Kragerø yesterday, and I discovered we still had those two bananas – those two bananas which were not green enough for me on Friday and certainly not today. I thought to myself; what does one do with spotty bananas? And I concluded that the best (and easiest) thing to do […]